Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Afghanistan - Ranking: 10th.

Population: 31 057 000
Capital: Kabul
Religions: Sunni Muslim, Shi'a Muslim
Languages: Pashtu, Afghan Persian (Dari)
Political leader: President Hamid Karzai
Christians: <1%

The Sunnis make up about 80% of the country's population. Afghanistan has a small Christian community. Conversion from Islam is considered apostasy and is punishable by death under the Shari'a Law. There are no Christian or Jewish schools, no Christian churches and one synagogue.

To give you an idea: In 2006 Abdul Rahman was arrested on charges of apostasy and sentenced to death for refusing to return to the Muslim faith. Due to international pressure, Rhaman was released and fled to Italy.

Persecution of Christians is intense. During the Taliban regime, persecution was accomplished formally by law, and informally, by tribes and families.

See more here: http://www.persecution.org/suffering/countryinfodetail.php?countrycode=20

What to pray for

- Pray for godly men and women to obtain positions of influence in the country.
- The Afghani drug trade is estimated to be among the worst in the world. Pray that it will cease.
- Pray for the thousands of underground believers, many not even known by their families. Pray for safety, protection, courage and wisdom. Pray that they may be effectively discipled.

1 comment:

david santos said...

Hello, Billy!
Thanks for your posting and have a good day.