Tuesday, 20 March 2007

this road

As I'm about to embark on a journey to the other side of the world, I'd like to post the lyrics to one of my favourite songs. It's about travelling also, but more about our life's journey than a physical trip. Sometimes a journey can impact your life's journey also - which is what I'm hoping and praying for in this trip. My next posts will be from Hong Kong, Vietnam and Australia. I thank God for this opportunity, and I'm so grateful He hasn't given up on this earthen vessel.

This Road - Jars of Clay

All heavy laden acquainted with sorrow
May Christ in our marrow, carry us home
From alabaster come blessings of laughter
A fragrance of passion and joy from the truth
Grant the unbroken tears ever flowing
From hearts of contrition only for You
May sin never hold true that love never broke through
For God's mercy holds us and we are His own
This road that we travel, may it be the straight and narrow
God give us peace and grace from You, all the day
Shelter with fire, our voices we raise still higher
God give us peace and grace from You, all the day through

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